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As an active Animal Rescue Service since 2021, Ferns Avian Safe Haven is committed to protecting animals from cruelty and neglect state-wide. The more people get involved, the stronger we are. Check out how you can help our feathered friends today!



Relinquished animals often suffer emotionally from the displacement from their home, no matter the conditions they were in. Our goal is to help rehabilitate as many birds as we can and give them the best life we can afford to offer them inside captivity.


With our mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies to make our Rescue efforts more effective. Contact us to learn more about our hard work and commitment to our cause.


With this initiative, our goal is to support the welfare of animals in need. With the support of our dedicated community, our Advocacy efforts go a long way. Learn more about this initiative and how you can help.

Our Work: Our Work
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